Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day at the Races

This one of my favourite of the red haired silkstones called Day at the Races.  She has beautifully soft, wavy hair and I also like her colouring.  There was a time when almost every silkstone that came out had the usual blue eyeshadow.  After a time I started to get really bored with the silkstone line as were other doll collectors but fortunately Mattel listened (for a change) and we now get more silkstones with different colouring.

Hopefully some day Mattel will start making the silkstones with articulated bodies as the lack of articulation has certainly turned many collectors off them.

In this picture she is actually wearing an FR outfit but I can't remember where that little leopard print bag came from.


  1. Wow! what a collection, and you know so much about them all it impresses me. Have thought long and hard but my very favourite is Luchia.

  2. She is so lovely. I love my Day at the Races silkstone. I have her proudly displayed in her original outfit in my curio. I so love how you redress all of your dolls. Lovely background too.
